Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So, a day of rest turned into a week of rest.  I can't remember being that sick in a long time.  Coughing so much my lungs ached.  Throat so sore I couldn't swallow.  And just so very tired.  But then, yesterday, Monday.  It rained.  And how I love the rain.  And I feel like with it flowed away the last of my sickness and I'm ready to begin again.  But slowly this time, much more slowly.

The weekend afforded me some time just sitting around amidst my plants and I got to see so many things I probably wouldn't have noticed had I been weeding, trimming, or working, rather than resting, absorbing and watching.  Such as the tiniest of bugs collecting pollen from our blooming tidy tips. More pictures to follow as that's about all I was able to do last week :)

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